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Carla Tardif

Family Reach

Carla Tardif

Family Reach

Carla Tardif

Family Reach

Izabela Malinowska Testimonial

Days filled with top notch presenters, awesome innovative ideas and connecting with transformative talented women!

Abby Sheer Testimonial

The conference covered a wide range of topics and had great speakers that covered clinicians, regulatory, research, and investment.

Aura Pyykönen Testimonial

Fantastic eye-opener widening the scope and offering 360 perspective to women's health in the US context.

UBI Meat


Starting with any relevant education, walk me through the twists and turns of your career to date? How did one opportunity lead to the next + what was the key takeaway/ experience in each role + how did this lead you to where you are now)

My family has been related to the agribusiness sector since 1887, (this is to date more than 137 years). I studied Business Administration in Uruguay with an emphasis on Marketing and started working as a meat broker for one of the biggest Brazilian meat broker companies in the early 2000s.

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More Founder Journeys

  • Founder Insight Series
    Camilo Bravo – BeeTechnology
  • Founder Insight Series
    Imtiaz Shams – Flox Ai
  • Founder Insight Series
    Bruce Batten PhD – GRIP Molecular
  • Founder Insight Series
    Dr Eve Hanks – MI:RNA Diagnostics
  • Founder Insight Series
    Yael Alter – NR Soos Technology
  • Founder Insight Series
    Daniel Oliver – Rejuvenate Bio
  • Founder Insight Series
    Ashley Kalinauskus – Torigen, Inc.
  • Founder Insight Series
    Susan Groeneveld – sylvester.ai
  • Founder Insight Series
    Edgar Goluch – QSM Diagnostics
  • Founder Insight Series
    Thomas Tillett – MBF Therapeutics
  • Founder Insight Series
    Johanna Majamaa – Gekko Vet Oy
  • Founder Insight Series
    Michael Manion – JetMeds
  • Founder Insight Series
    Mr. David Smith – Ceres Tag
  • Founder Insight Series
    Julia Somerdin – Labby
  • Founder Insight Series
    Josh Thomas – Pastoral
  • Founder Insight Series
    Sam More – DendroPharm GmbH
  • Founder Insight Series
    Michel Fortin – EVAH Corp
  • Founder Insight Series
    Dror Tamir – Hargol
  • Founder Insight Series
    Chan Namgong – Oncotect, Inc
  • Founder Insight Series
    David Haworth – Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)
  • Founder Insight Series
    Andria Beal – EpiPaws
  • Founder Insight Series
    Kim Agnew – Sorensis
  • Founder Insight Series
    Ramin Karimpour – TARGAN
  • Founder Insight Series
    James Donahue – ReproHealth Technologies
  • Founder Insight Series
    Daniel Christo – TerraNova
  • Founder Insight Series
    Cecelia Carrera – BistroCat
  • Founder Insight Series
    Mr. Craig Mosman – Seek Labs
  • Founder Insight Series
    Brian Quinn – WellFish Tech
  • Founder Insight Series
    Dr Rafael Sales – Algabloom
  • Founder Insight Series
    Matt Dobbs – Heckin Good
  • Founder Insight Series
    Ali Ganjavian – Moggie
  • Founder Insight Series
    Luiz Fernando Lino – PigPork Solutions

    Ignacio Albornoz

    Co-Founder & CEO

    Ignacio Albornoz

    Co-Founder & CEO

    Ignacio Albornoz

    Co-Founder & CEO

    Anna Daily Testimonial

    WHIS is one of our companies favorite events to attend. The community vibe and excitement of attendees makes this event so inspirational and motivating. 

    Animal Health, Nutrition & Technology Innovation Asia 2023 Post-Show Report