Preclinical Showcase Competition | Kisaco Research

Preclinical Showcase Competition

Phage Futures
19 November, 2024
Boston, USA

Biotech Preclinical Showcase Competition

  • Highlight your promising preclinical program to a jury of industry leading experts and to our wider audience of bacteriophage specialists.

  • Finalists will be shortlists by our investor selection committee to give a 15-minute presentation showcasing your hottest preclinical data breakthroughs.

  • The winner receives a digital marketing package including an interview and newsletter coverage to our network of 30,000 phage enthusiasts, a free pass to next year’s event, as well as taking home the Phage Futures Preclinical Showcase Winner 2024 Trophy.


All phage biotechs must purchase a tier 2 pass to attend/ participate in the showcase at phage futures