The Cycle of Glow: Exploring the Link Between Nutrition & Beauty | Kisaco Research


Sharing how beauty & nutrition go hand in hand, Karin Hermoni, Ph.D., Lycored's Chief Science Officer, will share the stage with expert panelists, including:

  • Trish Hunt, Global VP Nutritional & Beauty, Catalent Pharma Solutions
  • Nina Stimson, Executive VP, Nicolas Hall Group
  • Laura Chacon-Carbato, Director Worldwide Eduction and Training & Chairwoman of the Outer Nutrition Advisory Board, Herbalife
  • Hannah Barrett, Yoga Teacher, Hannah Barrett Yoga

Lycored will provide Pops of Positivity from their littleglow wellness app; their friends at Nicholas Hall will give a presentation on beauty nutrition research and Lycored's Karin Hermoni, will give a presentation on newly published ingestible skincare research.

Also, you don't want to miss out on virtual chair yoga with Hannah Barrett! 

Trish Hunt
Nina Stimson
Date / Time: 
Thursday, October 14, 2021 - 6:30am
Call to Action Label (Upcoming): 
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Simple Vimeo video (no registration required)
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