Bani Chander Roland
Director of Gastrointestinal Motility
Lenox Hill Hospital
Matt Steele
Regulatory Information Specialist
David Donabedian
CEO and Founder
Maria Giovanni
Associate Director for Genomics and Bioinformatics, Acting Director
NIAID, Office of Data Science and Emerging Technologies, Office of Genomics and Advanced Technologies
Cindy Davis
Office of Dietary Supplements
National Institutes of Health
James Brown
Director, Computational Biology in the Microbiome Collaborative Network
Talk to me about… your research
I have over 22 years of experience in leading computational biology teams focused on pre-clinical and clinical drug discovery in GlaxoSmithKline. My areas of expertise include the role of the microbiome in infectious, metabolic and respiratory diseases, host-pathogen interactions, and cancer. I have over 100 scientific publications and have contributed to several academic and non-profit advisory boards including NIH panels. I also mentored several students and post-doctoral fellows.
Talk to me about…something people may not know about you
Originally from Canada, my undergraduate and graduate degree research work concerned marine biology, aquaculture, fish population genetics and the universal tree of life.
Yasmine Belkaid
Senior Investigator, Mucosal Immunology Section
Dawn Bowdish
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine
McMaster University
Teo Dagi
Director, Chariman, and Executive Director
Anglo Scientific's Healthcare Division, Microtest Diagnostics, and Apta Biosciences
Peter Karp
Bioinformatics Research Group, Artificial Intelligence Center
SRI International