Enabling A Greater Data Economy Through Confidential Computing | Kisaco Research


A unique gathering of minds and voices from across the Confidential Computing Consortium (CCC) and beyond. The webinar, titled "Enabling A Greater Data Economy Through Confidential Computing - A Deep-Dive Into Real-World Applications" is a vibrant, community-driven exploration of how confidential computing is transforming the way we protect and leverage our most sensitive data.

Dive deep into moderated panel discussion featuring experts, practitioners, and enthusiasts from the CCC community. Tackling real-world applications, dissecting challenges, and celebrating successes in confidential computing—everything from securing cloud environments and financial transactions to protecting healthcare data.


Mike Bursell
Sal Kimmich
Simon Gallagher
Andreas Walbrodt
Bertrand Foing
Date / Time: 
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 -
8:00am to 9:00am
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