Why Attend
Showcasing the Most Exciting Innovation in Farm Management, Nutrition and Health Innovation
The Aquaculture Innovation Summit is a new conference, as part of the Animal Health Innovation series, which focuses on showcasing and supporting innovation and sustainability initiatives in three key areas of aquaculture: farm management, nutrition and health.
Our objective is to bring to light cutting-edge modern technologies and solutions that are helping shape one of the most important industries for the future of global protein.
As we research and build the programme for 2018, below is a preview of some of the topics to be discussed:
- Innovation Showcase: The 12 most exciting innovations in aqua across Digital, Feed and Health
- New vaccines: How can we effectively develop new fish vaccines?
- Global Protein 2050: How aquaculture can help to feed a growing world
Featured Speakers
Alejandro Bernal
Avrim Lazar
Avrim Lazar, Principle Consultant to the Global Salmon Initiative Avrim Lazar was President & CEO of the Forest Products Association of Canada, from January 1, 2002 until April 1 2012.
He was chair of the Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products (ACPWP) to the United Nations.
Mr. Lazar has held senior policy positions in the government of Canada in the Ministries of Justice, Agriculture, Environment and Human Resource Development. During this period he was responsible for national policy in areas as diverse as climate change, biodiversity, child poverty, employment insurance and labor force training.
Mr. Lazar was Chair of the Committee of the Whole of the Second UN Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1995. He also chaired the National Business Association Roundtable and is the Past-President of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA).
Mr. Lazar taught high school in Vancouver and Zambia from 1969 to 1973. Over the years, Mr. Lazar has given many courses in the graduate studies programs at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University.
Mr. Lazar holds degrees in science and education, including a B.Sc (1968) from McGill University, a B.Ed (1970) and a PhEd in Ed (1976) from the University of Ottawa
Belinda Richardson
Jason Clay
Carlos Alberto Kuada
Tanja Hoel
Before being appointed General Manager of the Seafood Innovation Cluster in May 2015, Tanja was Managing Director of Fiskeriforum Vest (FFV) for 4 years. FFV was a regional network organization for the Seafood Industry in Western Norway, and a co-founder of the Seafood Innovation Cluster. Prior to that Tanja worked as a Project Manager at Norsk Sjømatsenter where she was managed a number of innovation and knowledge projects. Tanja was born and raised in Chicago but now lives with her family in Bergen.
Agenda Highlights
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Vivamus porta euismod felis. Quisque interdum arcu nec est hendrerit interdum. Donec aliquam malesuada lorem at convallis. Sed consectetur iaculis vestibulum. Praesent vestibulum molestie elit, nec pretium dolor. Nunc consectetur sapien vel diam pharetra, et laoreet justo commodo. Sed interdum velit et libero pharetra tempor. Quisque feugiat porta odio, et vulputate nisi tristique eget. Vivamus nec nisi nec enim lobortis laoreet et vel tortor. Vivamus urna urna, semper in venenatis nec, volutpat quis nisi. Suspendisse velit tortor, euismod quis molestie at, tempus nec libero. Mauris semper nisi non velit sodales, id molestie odio pulvinar. Mauris ullamcorper blandit urna, gravida ultricies lacus pulvinar in. Phasellus lobortis ultrices varius. Quisque varius, ligula lobortis scelerisque sollicitudin, eros tortor laoreet dolor, vitae auctor dui nunc vel augue.