Vein-to-Vein Working Group | Kisaco Research

Join industry leaders in discussion on the standardisation of vein-to-vein processes to ensure that digital technologies stay in line with the clinical science that is driving the progression of the field.


Steven Feldman - Stanford University
Frank Thielman - Takeda
Mark Benmoise - Skills Alliance
Seshu Tyagarajan - Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Key questions addressed:

  • With experts agreeing that there is the feasibility and the necessity to reduce vein-to-vein time by 75%, what is the key thing standing in the way of bringing this down?
  • Which systems within the value chain need to improve their intercommunication?
  • Where should efforts be focused in improving infrastructure of standardisation as we are on the cusp of a therapeutic tsunami in the coming decade?
  • With supply chains and manufacturing of products in cell therapies more integrated in clinical stages and post approval, where does the balance lie when weighing up how to bring down development costs whilst maintaining high level of data retrieval?
  • With speed of clinical innovation moving so much quicker than it did for small molecule development, what have to be the priorities for manufacturers and logistics providers?
  • With the patient in mind, how do you ensure reliability with such variability in each step of the process?
Date / Time: 
Friday, November 27, 2020 - 9:45pm
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