How Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) & Confidential Computing Balances Privacy & Transparency | Kisaco Research

In this enlightening panel, we explore the technical innovations that create trusted execution environments and foster data partnerships across functions, departments, and organizations, fostering a trusted and resilient data economy. Key highlights include:

Collaboration Between PETs and Confidential Computing:
Understand the need for synergy between these technologies to cater to enterprise-level adoption. Explore how PETs and confidential computing enhance data integrity and security.

Unlocking Sensitive Data Sets:
Whether dealing with personal identifiable information, health records, or financial reports, data integrity is invaluable. Discover a privacy toolkit that securely unlocks these data sets, empowering organizations to navigate privacy complexities.

Enhancing Trust and Resilience in Data Economy:
Embrace these innovations to create a stronger, transparent data ecosystem that thrives on trust and resilience.

Attendees will leave equipped with the understanding of how PETs and confidential computing go hand-in-hand and how these technologies increase data utility and data integrity, ultimately contributing to a stronger, more transparent data ecosystem that thrives on trust and resilience.

Silence Laboratories


Mike Bursell

Executive Director
Confidential Computing Consortium

Mike Bursell

Executive Director
Confidential Computing Consortium


Jay Prakash

CEO and Co-Founder
Silence Laboratories

Jay Prakash

CEO and Co-Founder
Silence Laboratories